Claverley Parish Council Financial Regulations

Financial Regulations and Standing Orders

A copy of the Financial Regulations can be accessed by clicking here

A copy of the Standing Orders can be accessed by clicking here

2023 / 2024

Please find attached copies of the Annual Governance and Accounting returns for 2023/24.

These accounts are as yet unaudited.  A summary of the public rights associated with these accounts and the respective notice period can be found via these links.


2022 / 2023

Please find attached copies of the Annual Governance and Accounting returns for 2022/23.

Attached are copies of the notice of the audit conclusion and the external audit report and certificate in respect of the y/e 31 March 2023.


2021 / 2022

Please find attached a copy of the Annual Governance and Accounting returns for 2021/22.

Attached are copies of the notice of the audit conclusion and the external audit report and certificate in respect of the y/e 31 March 2022.


2020 / 2021

Please find attached a copy of the Annual Governance and Accounting returns for 2020 / 21.

Attached are copies of the notice of the audit conclusion and the external audit report and certificate in respect of the y/e 31 March 2021.


2019 / 2020

A copy of the 2020 Annual Return can be accessed via the following link Annual Governance and Accountability Return 19 20.

A copy of the notice of the audit conclusion and the external audit report and certificate in respect of the y/e 31 March 2020 can be found here.


2018 / 2019

A copy of the 2019 Annual Return can be accessed below and the external audit report and certificate here